Source code for falcon_sslify

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import falcon

YEAR_IN_SECS = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60

[docs]class FalconSSLify(object): """ Initialize the falcon sslify middleware passing in configuration options. All configuration options are optional. Args: age(int, optional): Specifies the maximum duration for HTST(HTTP Strict Transport Policy). Default is ``31536000`` (1 year) subdomains(bool, optional): Specify if you would like to include subdomain in HSTS policy. Default is ``True`` permanent(bool, optional): Specifies whether redirect is issued with HTTP 302 response or a HTTP 301 one. Default is ``True`` which means permanent redirect aka HTTP 302 response code skips(list, optional): A list of paths to be excluded from being redirected """ def __init__(self, age=YEAR_IN_SECS, subdomains=True, permanent=True, skips=None): self.hsts_age = age self.hsts_subdomains = subdomains self.permanent = permanent self.skip_list = skips or [] def skips(self, req): for skip in self.skip_list: if req.path.startswith('/{0}'.format(skip)): return True return False @property def hsts_header(self): """ Returns the proper HSTS() policy. """ hsts_policy = 'max-age={0}'.format(self.hsts_age) if self.hsts_subdomains: hsts_policy += '; includeSubDomains' return hsts_policy def is_secure(self, req): if req.protocol.lower() == 'https': return True def process_request(self, req, resp): if self.skips(req) or self.is_secure(req): return xfp = req.get_header('X-FORWARDED-PROTO') if xfp and xfp.lower() == 'https': return if req.url.startswith('http://'): url = req.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) if self.permanent: raise falcon.HTTPMovedPermanently(url) else: raise falcon.HTTPFound(url) def process_response(self, req, resp, _): if not self.skips(req) and self.is_secure(req): resp.set_header('Strict-Transport-Security', self.hsts_header)